Expand Team

The Expand Team is responsible for helping the  Association increase the reach of the Gospel through new church plants, church revitalization/replants, and walking prospective churches through the process of joining the Association. Their duties include:

•  exploring and identifying areas of the Association needing new churches;

•  working closely with the North American Mission Board in prayerfully identifying potential church planters for the Association;

•  meeting with and examining prospective churches (new or pre-existing) to determine if they align with the faith and practice of the Association;

•  explaining to prospective churches the expectations and obligations of being a participating church in the  Association;

•  guiding prospective Association churches through the application and vetting process and a time of watch-care until they are recommended to the Executive Committee for a vote of full membership.


Expand Team Leader

Trent Abbott

  Send Email  •  (386)288-3016

Trent is the pastor at Macedonia Baptist Church in Lee.